Liar, Liar #386 Teen Fiction (for now anyway :')
(I'm SO happy :')


I write in my spare time, and its the only enjoyment that is my favourite. Music is my own personal brand of heroine and so is video editing, photoshop, photography, fashion, bracelets, earrings, my family, school, maths (dont call me weird, I know its strange but i love maths) and much more....

I LOVE to video edit :D

I'm also addicting to Apple :L Iphones, Ipods, Macs, you name it, I love them ;)

I also like creepers (you know, the awesome platform shoes)

So yeah...I can't exactly tell you everything about me otherwise you wouldn't want to come back (joking...) but that is all I can really be bothered to type ;) (joking...again :L)

Writing is therapy for me, when I'm angry or hurt, I write it down. It makes the pain a little bit better. I've kept a diary for 6 years and I update every day (or at least I try).

I hope you like my page :') And I hope you like my stories :) xoxoxox
  • earth
  • انضمJuly 3, 2012

الرسالة الأخيرة
decorateme decorateme Jul 14, 2012 05:30PM
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم agirlwithaname
Liar, Liar (In process - unedited) بقلم decorateme
Liar, Liar (In process - unedited)
"I was pregnant, and you left." She whispered harshly, bitterly. "I didn't leave you because I...
3 قوائم قراءة