
Long time no update, I'll be updating my stories soon...


I will put Chasing Sunsets on hold for a reason. Just like how I put Her Eyes on hold because it was getting too heavy for me to write because of the recent deaths in my family, I am putting CS on hold because of the death of the person behind the story. 
          Chasing Sunsets is a personal story for me, it was a dramatized diary of what I could not tell and wished to tell that person, and with his recent death, I wish to keep Chasing Sunsets on the shelf for now. I want to reflect if I still wish to write it or leave the thought of it with him passing away so I hope you understand why Chasing Sunsets would be on hold.
          But regardless of that Gilded Truth will be updated very soon once my academic responsibilities are over.


As much as I want to update any time soon, my semester is about to end in two weeks and obviously, my schedule will inevitably be hectic so I am very sorry for not updating any time soon, however, I expect that I will drop updates when my Christmas break starts. 


I unpublished Her Eyes (2022) for personal reasons. I think I will be rewriting it offline for now on my own phase. 
          Expect that I’ll bring it back the moment I am done rewriting it. And expect for more news about it. 
          - Dei


Probably those who know me know how I cannot settle on a name for my readers, they went from Gothicos to Dreamers, to Dandelions. But I guess this will be the final name I will call my readers (if there are any): 
          This 2022, I planned to come back to writing on Wattpad after a year-and-a-half-long hiatus. Stepping back to this platform’s competitive community is like stepping in again for the first time when I started last 2014. But this time I have a firm mind that I would defy, bend, or even break the rules and trends just like how a renegade and mavericks were in society.
          Thinking back, those who probably read my stories would then realize why I write now. What I found during the time that I am away from the community. I want to tell the truth, and if I have to go against the norm then I’d gladly do it. To be the purveyor of truth comes with a price and insurmountable pressure. 
          But if you’re here to stay with me then join me and be a RENEGADE in this society, let us break the rules and cut the threads of the norm to tell stories no one has ever encountered.
          veritas lux mea 
          - Deitoy


SEPTEMBER 18, 2022
          TO MY RENEGADES:
          You who defies the odds and break the rules for the pursuit of better tomorrow may you never get tired of CHASING SUNSETS, even if life is nothing but GILDED TRUTH and DREAMS. 
          May you rule your fate. 