
this account makes me die


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Sup y’all
          So out of the blue I’ve started loving 5H again so woo hoo I’ve got a new Camren fic - called shitty fan fiction (because that’s what it is), so feel free to go read it/please read it I beg you.
          The cover’s shit so if you’re keen to make a new one (you don’t have to be a prodigy cover maker or anything lol) then please let me know :)
          Thanks y’all 


Heya guys
          So you might have noticed that I've changed my username.
          Also, I've made the decision not to continue any of my Little Mix or Fifth Harmony fanfics (at least for the time being). This is solely because I've begun to drift from both fandoms - I prefer Queen now, and I might do some Queen/Bo Rhap stories.
          To those of you who enjoyed my stories, I'm really sorry; but I'll definitely still keep them up for the time being.
          Love y'all


that's the tea, sis


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ohmigod I think and hope that lm5 is gonna be out in 7 minutes here and I'm so fucking excited
          I'm listening to glory days now and it's bringing back memories from the first time I listened to it two years ago
          Btw I'm soz lol but I will update yall on whether or not it comes out when I think it will


Hey guys, I'm so sorry for not posting any chapters of any stories for ages, but I've put up a new chapter of New Kid, and because I'm in the gist of writing it now, I'm about 200 words into the next chapter. 
          Thanks for reading!
          - delusionaljerrie