
Hey! I was wondering if I should keep 2 of my stories that I wrote.
          	1.a demigods love
          	2.the story of John smith
          	If you've read either of these stories and want me to keep writing them then vote in the comments! All you have to do is type
          	 1,2, or both! HAPPY VOTING!!


Hey! I was wondering if I should keep 2 of my stories that I wrote.
          1.a demigods love
          2.the story of John smith
          If you've read either of these stories and want me to keep writing them then vote in the comments! All you have to do is type
           1,2, or both! HAPPY VOTING!!


hey guys!... all 5 of you:/ well anyways in a little bit (like when I get around to it) I will be publishing a new book! I'm pretty sure that I already told some of you about this but I changed my mind it's going to be a original  story strait from my brain and if you like the idea wattpad might become my diary as in u will us this as a diary FOR me and I will do it if you comment is so 
                1. Wattpad will be my diary (comment that scentence)
          2. I will rite a original story (comment that scentence) 
          3. or you want both just comment wich one you want first (comment both and wich one you want first) 
                           HAPPY VOTING!!! ;) 


@demonruler original story, a messed up mind means a good story


@demonruler I ment I...>:( I hate my fat fingers 