
Hey guys! The first chapter of the ‘Dynasty’ has been released.  Enjoy xx


Hey guys! Due to popular demand, I will not be removing both 'A Silver Dynasty' and 'A Golden Dynasty'! But, not to worry, I will still be posting 'Dynasty', despite both of the original books remaining.  I would like to also say, that while I am rewriting both the books, the storyline may differ to the originals.  I will post an update soon, on saying when the first chapter will be released! Also, I might add new chapters on a weekly basis, instead of a daily basis, due to an earlier release :)


Heyyy, I was wondering when you will start to post the combined chapters of the DYNASTY as a whole again. Since I am eager to know what happens after the last chapter of Golden Dynasty and am a big fan of Silver Dynasty as well.


@ironspidey333 hey! i fear it may be some time before i post the book as i am going to try to write most of the chapters for the whole book prior to updating it, but i will try to give a more precise time for when i will actually update it soon! i also want to say thank you for your support, and i am glad you enjoyed them! xx


Hey guys! I just wanted to officially announce I will be removing both 'A Silver Dynasty' and 'A Golden Dynasty' (unless you guys want me to keep them both up!).  But fear not, I am in the middle of rewriting both of these books, as well as the unreleased sequel ('A Platinum Dynasty'), all included in one single book, which will be called 'Dynasty'.  Not to mention, I will be writing a novella based off the 'Dynasty' book, which will be released soon after.  For now, I thank everyone for reading both of my books and apologise for not updating in over a year.  I will see you all soon!