
Sorry for not posting over the weekend, chapter 7 will be posted tonight. 


Hello all who dwell here, I have 8 chapters of Ownership finished and I need someone to proofread for me, if anyone is interested please contact me on here by replying to this message. I will accept up to three proofreaders! 
          I will give you the login to a draft account and you will be able to read it there. 
          Thank you all for being patient with me and I hope you’re all having a wonderful day/night wherever you may be! 


Hacked by the best person ever ❤️  ♥️ :>


To anyone that’s there; would you prefer for me to start posting Ownership now (there’s currently 3 chapters) or would you like for me to wait a bit until there’s about 10, or wait until it’s finished? 
          Let me know, your support and interactions are appreciated. 
          I hope everyone had a good Christmas and have a good day/night wherever you may be! :) 


I am going to put Birdie and Game Over back up for now for anyone who is interested, and I will be continuing to rewrite Ownership. Thank you all who have given feedback and I shall be making more posts more often. 
          Have a good day/night wherever you may be! 


Alright is response to yesterdays post; I’ve decided I’m going to make all my x male reader books on this account (ownership, birdie, Freedom) I’m currently rewriting ownership, and will write Birdie next. 
          The account that will have my x female readers is: Deranged_Artistt 
          If you’d like a teaser for Ownership I’ll post the prologue on “Author Chans Progress” just let me know. Thank you for the support and I’m glad people are still wanting my books. I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long, and I promise to actually get back into writing this time. You’re all lovely. 
          Have a wonderful day/night wherever you may be. <3