
cb  +  specify  if  ya 'll  are  tho  
          	i  miss  him  


evil ;;
          '' Anthonyy !! we don't have any boxed dinners left !! can we order pizza now ?? I wanna start the movies !! '' Caleb whined as he glanced over to the other who was seated on the couch , he was tasked with finding the microwavable dinners that were suppose to be in the freezer which he'd failed to do due to being a little stupid .


  ❝ Happy birthday to the smartest, funniest, and most beautiful person in the world !  Wait, did I say “to” ?  I meant “from” ! ❞ John held up a small gold trophy with the words best competitor in a battle royal. Based on skill but mostly good looks. " Oh gosh, sorry, I thought you were dargo, I thought this would make that alien guy feel good about himself. Wait a minute, who even are you and how did you get here? Oh my omg wait, please tell me you are from Earth as well? "


@johnthesmartass   /  
            [   the  man  stared  for  a  moment  ,  a
            confused  look  taking  over  his  face  as  
            the  other  spoke  —  he  had  zero  clue  of 
            what  was  even  going  on  but  chose  
            not  to  say  anything  yet  .  as  the  other
            finally  realised  he  wasn ' t  who  he
            thought  Anthony  let  of  a  sigh  .  ]  
            in  all  honesty  im  ..  not  even  sure  
            how  i  got  here  —  pretty  sure  i  was  
            home  a  moment  ago  and  now  im  just
            here  .  but  either  way  uh  .  anthony  ,  anthony  garcia  !  and  yeah  ,  yeah  im  
            from  earth  :')  . 


* // hope this was okay


I told you I'm not talking about my experience...I'd rather forget about it ... leave me alone 


@rockstarsrage   /
            that  '  s  fine .  im  not  gonna  force  you  
            if  you  dont  wanna  just  ..  we ' re  tryna
            catch  the  guy  that ' s  behind  all  of  this
            that ' s  all  .  so  any  information  would
            be  great  .  but  if  you  wanna  be  left 
            alone  i  totally  understand  ,  man  .