
this message may be offensive
;  if benny wants to explain where these accusations are instead of giving me a sarcastic response and blocking me, ill do something abt the situation. posting about things, a SEROUS situation that i do not understand nor do i know where it's coming from, and then refusing to explain what the fuck is going on is shitty. he won't listen to me, and he won't speak to me no matter if he claims to have tried to talk this out multiple times. im tired of this. i took my break, i learned from the mistakes that were actually made, mistakes that were explained to me BY HIS FRIENDS because he would not tell me what was going on. this is stupid.


// you deserve for benny to at least explain


@diIfhub // there are new accusations ?? i only know about the ones he posted about in like september . anyways , it should be explained considering that you’re trying to fix this , from what i’ve seen , you are nice and aren’t like what you were in the past . given , i didn’t exactly know you then , i can still tell . this isn’t fair to you , because , as you’ve said , the things from the past have stopped .


@fatu1_wa11et ;  yeah. im not asking to be forgiven, obviously i said inappropriate things. but everything that was addressed to me has ended. has not been repeated. and as for new accusations? i don't even understand. if it's something he can explain to me that doesn't turn out to be a misunderstanding like i assume the age thing was, ill apologize. an apology would probably be given even if it WAS a misunderstanding.


[sasuya's black hair dances freely in the breeze ,  soft air blowing towards her as the grass sways along with her hair. continuing in taking steps forward she walks to the direction where sævarr is. her golden hues glimmers pure happiness ,  immediately speeding up her pace she runs towards him as a bright smile forms in her lips she calls out his name] “ sævarr! hello! ” [she cheerfully greets , waving her hand at him]


@diIfhub ; [ wearing a brilliant smile filled with joy she responds to him softly ] “ hii sævarr! I'm doing quite well especially when i saw the heavenly sævarr himself , you're an angel ” [she sends him a little wink yet she couldn't help but to slightly cringe at her own flirtatious statement , joking around  as she places her hands at her hips resting it there she proceeds in moving forward and sauntering the streets with the black haired man while a minuscule visible blush is present in her cheeks]


@ladysasuya ☀︎︎    mm  ?    ☾︎ the tall man looked back , a grin adorning his masked features when he saw the girl . he waved his hand as he turned and walked back to her , a giggle leaving him . he was already amused . ☽︎    hello  ,  sweetheart  !  how  are  you  ?


this message may be offensive
;  if benny wants to explain where these accusations are instead of giving me a sarcastic response and blocking me, ill do something abt the situation. posting about things, a SEROUS situation that i do not understand nor do i know where it's coming from, and then refusing to explain what the fuck is going on is shitty. he won't listen to me, and he won't speak to me no matter if he claims to have tried to talk this out multiple times. im tired of this. i took my break, i learned from the mistakes that were actually made, mistakes that were explained to me BY HIS FRIENDS because he would not tell me what was going on. this is stupid.


// you deserve for benny to at least explain


@diIfhub // there are new accusations ?? i only know about the ones he posted about in like september . anyways , it should be explained considering that you’re trying to fix this , from what i’ve seen , you are nice and aren’t like what you were in the past . given , i didn’t exactly know you then , i can still tell . this isn’t fair to you , because , as you’ve said , the things from the past have stopped .


@fatu1_wa11et ;  yeah. im not asking to be forgiven, obviously i said inappropriate things. but everything that was addressed to me has ended. has not been repeated. and as for new accusations? i don't even understand. if it's something he can explain to me that doesn't turn out to be a misunderstanding like i assume the age thing was, ill apologize. an apology would probably be given even if it WAS a misunderstanding.


::      i gotta agree ,, < dilfs 3


            ::      IDGAF ,, WAIT DOES THAT MEAN YOU 
                    ALSO STALK MY MB 


            ::      UH STALKER MUCH 