
Deleting my account y'all I need to start this over.


Hello, hello, hello! I know, I know, I'm a lying chez face, forgive me. I'm hoping I can get the new chapter out in the next, rest of today. If I don't, I'm sorry. Happy Holidays though! I'd love to know, what awkward family things are you dealing with or just awkward holiday things in general.


So I would say I have two days a week but I'd feel guilty. Long story short, I was telling my school's principal about my awful schedule when I said the only days I have free are Wednesday's and Sunday's. She smiled and said, you have church on Sunday's. I stood there awkwardly and nodded. Yeah, that was great. 


Heyo! So, so sorry I've been gone for so long! I'll be posting the updated (third?) chapter tomorrow. This past week was uber hectic it was tech week for my show, I'm getting ready for the home tour in piano, my November recital is coming up, the soccer season is coming to an end. As you can see my life has been pretty hectic. But the new chapter, will be out tomorrow. I'll try to make a steady schedule but well, look at my life. I have one day a week where I have nothing to do. And that's tomorrow, and I'm using it to post the chapter, so please don't get mad at me! 


Hi Everyone! So I took down Goodbye Summer so I can edit it and all that shiz, I just finished editing the first and second chapters today. I uploaded the first one, so go read that you know. I'll upload the second chapter on Tuesday or Wednesday so look out for that!
          Other than that, how's life? I'm pretty good I guess. But I want to hear about you! TELL ME YOUR LIFE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!