
⚓ harry edward styles ⚓
❝i listen to music more than i listen to my parents❞

hello my name is harry, i am seventeen. i can only
be nice when i want to. and that's only when i really
like you or i'm just in a good mood.

☯ louis william tomlinson ☯
❝your opinion is irrelevant because i hate you. ❞

the boys are making me do this. i'm louis. and
i'm twenty. and rather happy being by myself.
so don't talk to me.

✞ niall james horan ✞
❝stop messing with my mind, cause you'll never have me heart❞

hello i'm niall. and i like bands and lots of them. i'll always have my
earbuds in listening to some time of music. and the other boys hate
it but i don't care honestly. and you might have to talk louder then.
um, i'm nineteen and not really looking for a relationship but
i can always have a fuck. i guess.

✗ zayn javadd malik ✗
❝speak the truth even if your voice shakes❞

hi i'm zayn and i'm eighteen. i happen to
be the best out of all these fuckers. oops?
i am probably like the cockiest but fuck it
i curse a lot and smoke a lot.

☼ liam james payne ☼
❝sometimes following your heart means losing your mind❞

i'm, liam and i'm twenty. i'm nothing like the other boys. i'm
actually nice we just became friends because i do drugs
just like most of them. i'm actually nice. and friendly
but i fall to easily and my heart breaks a lot.

[ this is an anon you stupid ass ]
  • Дата регистрацииJuly 5, 2014