
It's my birthday! Yes, I'm aware it's Camila's birthday too. Lol. In fact, me and my sister have Camren birthdays. Hers is the same as Lauren's. (She's not actually my sister. She's my bestie. Has been for a decade and some change.)


@loreoe Thank you! I spent most of the day at work. Lol


@disnickyx OMG I JUST SAW THIS HAPPY BIRTHDAY i just came to your profile to ask when will like cats and dogs come back from war bUT HAPPY BELATED BDAY


@ disnickyx  do both! Haha, you're welcome :)


I'm past my thirties now, and still read this story from time to time even though the updates aren't coming, I found it first when was posted on fanfiction then saw that you had it here too. What I'm trying to say is, usually, when this much time has passed, when reading "old" stories again, as I grew older etc I would question myself, "how did I read this? In what moment I was to like this so much?" But your story really got me hooked hahaha I wasn't a teenager when I first read it but even so I've changed through all the years, and I still love the way you created this. Hope you are okay and healthy in life. Wishing you all good things! Thank you for creating this, even if it's not finished. I loved and still love all your characters, truly! Come back when you're ready, even if just to send a sign that you are okay!


This is my Roman Empire. I hope you’re doing well. This is the longest I’ve ever been edged. Only you can put me out of my misery 
          You’re truly one of the greatest to ever do it. 
          Sending positive vibes and love your way. 


This is so real I always come back to this story and I’d give anything to have it finished fr


I WOULD SELL MY SOUL AND GIVE ALL MY LIFE SAVINGS AWAY FOR RHIS STORY TO BE FINISHED,  but fr i’ve never been this attached to a fanfic before and cried so much to small moments and felt so connected to the characters. i’ll literally be walking around college and hear tori in my head telling me off for doing something wrong lmao. this is the best fanfic i’ve ever read and if you do ever make any more chapters or an ending, u would make sooo many people happy istg but i hope you’re well and okay, if you have any other socials would love to know


I’ve never really considered leaving a message on here before but I was really just wondering if you had any kind of social medias / other sites you’re on and willing to share if you’re comfortable? Not in the sense of releasing personal info but like, if you’ve migrated onto a different site and are releasing new works there / if you’ve set down writing completely and just haven’t had the energy to say so, you could put a message / update up somewhere? I really hope life is finding you well, don’t feel obligated to do anything. You owe the world nothing but your place in it, xxxx.