
/ cb and specify !


⠀⠀``    not   very   interested   in   whatever   your   plotting   here.      ``     Her  words  flowed  from  her  lips,   her  voice  gentle  but  as  delicate  as  ice.   Her  eyes,   a  piercing  ruby  red,   seemed  to  radiate  as  she  gracefully  maneuvered  around  the  person  before  her.   She  hoped  that  her  distant  demeanor  and  curt  response  would  serve  as  a  clear  signal   for  them  to  back  off  and  leave  her  alone . 


`   `   Todo's weird      …      [*turns  side  ways,   blinks .]       but you'll get used to him  .          `   `            (*        caught  off  guard  by  her  own  mannerisms .    It  wasn’t  usual  for  her  to  be  well  approached  by  a  new  classmate[?]   .        )         `   `      uh-    name's Maki  ,   …    you are ?       `   `


  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #         to   @divinecurses    ︵                 (*        chuckling  lightly  at  the  teasing  comment  he  made  on  their  friend.        Looking  out  at  the  field,    Her  eyes   scanned  the  area  in  admiration.     Nothing   is  better  than  a   sunny  day  with  a  good  view,                  *a   perfect  day  to  train*     thought  appeared  before  tuning  to  his  voice.     )     `   `     Is  that  so..      how  did  that  turn  out?     `   `         (*   eye brow  quirked  up,        Crossing   her arms.       )       `    `       [___]        third year   ?!       …      Sorry,      I  thought  you  were  a  second  year  /as well/  (-_-* ).         `    `          (*        Looking  over  at  the  taller  male,     her  arms  seems  to  have  unfolded   &&.    Stiffened  up  at  the  last  comment.     Maki  can  never  catch  a  break  with  Gojo.   Orbs  closed,     palms  now  forming  into  fists.      )           `    `      Is  that  so   ?    ⸨◺_◿⸩     [* inhales /harshly/,  exhales. ]         Miracle  girl?     `   `
            (*      laughing  at  the  nickname,       what  a  joke.    the  same  clan  that  denies  her  of  her  promotion  to  grade - 1.    The  same  clan  that  disowned  her.      )        `     `       Gojo  is  way  over  his  head.     …       where  are   you from?      couldn’t  help  notice  that  you   don’t seem   like you’re        from around here.       `    ` 


            i know never to mind todo …  but he hasn’t forgotten what I did to him at the goodwill event two years back .  
            [ standing next to maki was a rather tall foreigner ,  standing a bit taller than even gojo satoru .  he spoke nigh-perfect japanese ,  down to even minute pronunciations . ]
            oh— i am ilya ,  ilya tsiklauri ,  a third year .  maki … I recognize the name … you are the zenin’s ‘miracle girl’ ?  gojo has mentioned you . 