
          	1. Baby Boy Bad Boy
          	     dalam proses pengeditan. ada beberapa part yang dibuang tapi tak mengganggu jalan cerita pun. lebih kepada edit grammar dan cara penulisan.
          	2. Sugardaddy
          	     okay, ini memang banyak benda nak edit. from the start i don't like the storyline so yaya akan edit balik plot. so, there will be two story of sugardaddy first, the original version which is 2021 sugardaddy and currently in process 2024 sugardaddy i promise you, much better plot. jadi, soalan untuk pembaca, perlu ke yaya delete sugardaddy lama then post sugardaddy baru je atau publish je dua dua?
          	3. Prince
          	      for now I've bigger plan for this story so i won't publish it for the time being. thank you.
          	Last but not least, selain daripada sugardaddy (2024 version), yaya tengah tulis bl story genre fantasy and idol-fans love story. berkemungkinan besar korang akan jumpa idol-fans story itu tak lama lagi mungkin hujung bulan ini atau july. story itu kind of short story but not really short, doesn't have a heavy plot lebih kepada chill, comel dan green flag top. that's all thank you 


          1. Baby Boy Bad Boy
               dalam proses pengeditan. ada beberapa part yang dibuang tapi tak mengganggu jalan cerita pun. lebih kepada edit grammar dan cara penulisan.
          2. Sugardaddy
               okay, ini memang banyak benda nak edit. from the start i don't like the storyline so yaya akan edit balik plot. so, there will be two story of sugardaddy first, the original version which is 2021 sugardaddy and currently in process 2024 sugardaddy i promise you, much better plot. jadi, soalan untuk pembaca, perlu ke yaya delete sugardaddy lama then post sugardaddy baru je atau publish je dua dua?
          3. Prince
                for now I've bigger plan for this story so i won't publish it for the time being. thank you.
          Last but not least, selain daripada sugardaddy (2024 version), yaya tengah tulis bl story genre fantasy and idol-fans love story. berkemungkinan besar korang akan jumpa idol-fans story itu tak lama lagi mungkin hujung bulan ini atau july. story itu kind of short story but not really short, doesn't have a heavy plot lebih kepada chill, comel dan green flag top. that's all thank you 


S2 baby biy and bad boy tu knpe mcm nak buat sad ending


@djwltj buat la happy ending... Nak tengok diorang bahagia


@armangrande2 actually baby boy bad boy S2 ataupun tajuk dia Never-Ending Story tu still dalam proses lagi so sy pun tak pasti la sad ending or happy ending 


Thx my dear
          I'm from Indonesia and I'm reading your work but sorry sometimes i forget to press vote. Hiks 


Yes true ! 


@widiaafada wow upin ipin are so famous in indonesia 


Thx for folback 
            Hehe.. Sedikit sedikit paham di indonesia saya sering menonton upinipin lah.. Hihihi