
My heart goes out to everyone who's had anything to do with the Orlando Shooting at Pulse; it is such a tragic event and its brought me to tears. If you can help in any way, please do. As of now, we must stand together to stop these acts of violence and we need gun control laws now more than ever. People have noticed more about the issue now and in my opinion, that should not be the case. We should have had gun control from the beginning, when these acts of violence first popped up. Sorry for the rant, but I needed to get it off my chest. #PrayforOrlando


@floralbookworm I totally agree with u


My heart goes out to everyone who's had anything to do with the Orlando Shooting at Pulse; it is such a tragic event and its brought me to tears. If you can help in any way, please do. As of now, we must stand together to stop these acts of violence and we need gun control laws now more than ever. People have noticed more about the issue now and in my opinion, that should not be the case. We should have had gun control from the beginning, when these acts of violence first popped up. Sorry for the rant, but I needed to get it off my chest. #PrayforOrlando


@floralbookworm I totally agree with u


okay guys, i am going to try and make a schedule and update every Saturday alright, but if i dont, just know either I'm busy or I'm just procrastinating so yeah. Plus i will also be updating @yearsoftronnor and mine's story "Summer Secrets" every sat too while she will update on sunday.  Okay I love you all and stuff (p.s rn i'm currently still writing my part but its a secret shhh,, i will post it later so dont worry)


alright, i've haven't had the time either to write haha. goodnight then, x @yearsoftronnor


@ floralbookworm  it's okay if you don't make it every saturday I completely understand!! I have had so little time the past few days so my chapter won't be that good but it's fine. also you can just post your chapter when you're done bc I'll most most likely be sleeping when you're finished k gn xx


          Look I know I suck at updating but to be real, i either forget or I'm really lazy lol
          my friend Mylou, aka @thetronnorlife , have decided to co write a story. 
          So pls Follow my amazingly talented and awesome friend, to be updated with our story!
          (p.s it's a tronnor au) 
          see y'all soon!!


@ floralbookworm  ben you're so cute