
         ⵢ    there  are  so  many  kaspbrak  and  marsh  siblings  but  no  hanscom  siblings...  ben  needs  and  older  sibling  :,)  should  i  make  him  one?


/ I was originally gonna make Caleb a hanscom and then I made him a criss instead
          	  I would love to see if someone made Ben a sibling 


awe awe— cat got your tongue, el?  i know i’m too handsome not to stare.  ( richie held his face on his palms, making the weirdest expression he could fathom on the spot. )  seriously. you’re so quiet— more than the usual!! 


what?    (    her  eyes  refocus  onto  the  boy  sitting  in  front  of  her,  a  confused  look  forming  on  her  face  as  she  tries  to  recall  what  he  had  said.    )    sorry..   i  was  just  distracted.  not  by  you,  sorry  if  that  disappoints.    ୨♡୧    @humorguarded 


oh..   um   (…)   exc —   excuse   me!   ‘lil   girl??  i think…  i-i  think   you  dropped   something! 
          /   pardon her awkwardness :’)


@doveloise   …   o-oh!   um ..   of —   o-of   course!  [ dottie manages to stutter out. her hands tremble as she fumbles with the pocketbook to get a good grip on it. ]   s-so —   sorry ,   um … i,   uh—   [ the woman is awkward and nervous as she tentatively reaches her hand towards the girl and hands the object back.   ]   i-i’m ..   not   too…   too   good   with   my   hands..   :/


ohmygosh!  thank  you.  mama  would  have  got  so  mad  if  she  found  out.    (    she's  hesitant  to  reach  out,  knowing  that  people  in  this  town  usually  wanted  something  in  return  for  doing  good  deeds.    )    can  i  have  my  pocket  book  back?  it  has  notes  on  my  allergies  in  it.    ୨♡୧    @hauntedmothers 
                     ⵢ    she's  so  cutie!!  i  <3  her


eloise.  look  at  me.  you  can  do  this.


promise.    (    she  repeats,  voice  quiet.  being  hugged  like  this  feels  nice,  it  feels  safer  than  the  suffocating  embraces  her  mother  usually  forces  her  into.    )    it's  okay..  i'm  sorry  i'm  not  good  at  expressing  myself  like  you  guys.   ୨♡୧    @clowngrabbed 
                     ⵢ    ohmygosh.  PLEASE  IDK  HOW  I  DIDN'T  REALIZE??   lottie  istg  if  she  dies...


you  won't.  we'll  get  out  of  this,  and  i  promise  you  will  never  be  scared  again.  (  she  pushes  her  face  into  the  girls  shoulder,  hugging  her  tighter  than  ever  before.  )  i  love  you too.  i'm  sorry  for  everything  i  said-  you're  not  a  robot,  or  a  puppet  and-  you  won't  lose  any  of  us.  
            ╱  sisters  ever  actually,,  outgoing  x  introvert  remlottie  duo  strikes  again  :')


i'm  scared  that  i'll  always  be  scared.  always  stuck.    (    eloise's  hands  tremble  as  she  reaches  up,  hesitation  apparent  on  her  face.  exhaustion  from  all  of  her  stressing  seeps  into  her  body,  and  she  can't  hold  herself  up  any  longer  as  she  falls  forward,  wrapping  her  arms  around  alana.    )    i  love  you,  lana.  love  all  of  you  s'much.  don't  want  to  lose  you.    ୨♡୧    @clowngrabbed 
                     ⵢ    sisters.....  :,)  


youuuu  like  her.  i  can  tell.


(    she's  quiet  at  this,  teeth  chewing  anxiously  on  her  bottom  lip  before  she  responds.    )    i  don't  even..  know  how  to  like  someone..  and  she's  so  perfect.  and  you  know  how  my  mom  is.    ୨♡୧    @clowngrabbed 
                     ⵢ    mom.  instead  of  mama.  mind  blown.


(  she  frowns,  pushing  hair  behind  her  hair.  )  we're  already  outcasted.  you  quite  literally  can't  get  any  lower  than  this.


cool?  i..  can't.  you  know  all  of  the  rumors  about  her  and  we  know  they're  not  true  but..  you  know.    ୨♡୧    @clowngrabbed 