
trying to clear my mb but in the four years ive had this account i just had to voice every internal thought 


told my mum i was planning on offing myself two years ago and probably would've if it wasn't against my religion, which definitely wasn't a conversation i thought we'd have and the thought it probably hurt my mother so much to know two of her kids had thoughts of ending their lives makes me feel so so depressed 
          mental health day was thursday last week and su1cide prevention month was last month, but that doesn't mean we should talk about mental health for only one month or only one day. if anyone ever needs to talk im always available ❤️


although we don’t really know each other, i am so incredibly proud of you. i’m always open for a chat if you ever need one ❤️


i love you. i’m so proud of you and i’m glad you’re still here ❤️


i finished season one
          of stranger things and
          omg i'm obsessed so
          far my favourite characters
          are dustin , hopper , jonathan
          nancy and joyce 
          but the chills i got omg 
          wow i'm gonna start s2
          tomorrow so i can watch like
          four episodes a day because #procrastination but omg i'm
          obsessed . 
          i may make a nancy theme , 
          but kris >>>>> 


@siriuslyxclowning it’s a difficult decision 