
I'm working on a new chapter for one of my stories. But firstly what seems interesting to you all?
          	1): Il Capitano
          	2): The Wild Cards
          	3): The Prime Dragon


Hope The Prime Dragon story can be like Devil Trigger for having a massive harem of sexy women.


@dragonNecroKing132 The Wild cards sounds interesting...But the other names are interesting too....


I'm working on a new chapter for one of my stories. But firstly what seems interesting to you all?
          1): Il Capitano
          2): The Wild Cards
          3): The Prime Dragon


Hope The Prime Dragon story can be like Devil Trigger for having a massive harem of sexy women.


@dragonNecroKing132 The Wild cards sounds interesting...But the other names are interesting too....


For those who will ask where is: Pain or Redemption, I decided to unpublish it because i felt like it was to rushed and didn't make sense to me. I will remake it at some point in the future, so do not worry.
          Also, I made some new story ideas:
          1): Helluva Prince
          2): RWBY: The Hunter
          3): RWBY: Murder Mountain
          4): The Plaque Doctor
          5): The Wild Card
          6): Secrets Beyond
          7): I am That I am
          8): Smile
          9): Light & Dark DxD
          10): Welcome Player


Welcome Player. 


@dragonNecroKing132 Helluva Prince, I wanna see what you'll do with it


Light vs Shadow, who shall win?


@dragonNecroKing132 I am inclined to agree....Everything started from darkness, than came a anomaly of cosmic proportions that caused the first vestiges of light to come into existance whether by accident  or design, but in the grand scheme of things, eventually all will return to darkness in the end until another bang occurs...It is a never ending and ongoing cycle of creation and destruction so yean....to quote a line from the night mother in elder scrolls 5 " darkness rises when silence dies." Also to quote a line from fable lost chapters from xbox by terresa. " He finds you when you are sleeping and when daylight fades." and one last quote from xehanort also named Ansem in kingdom hearts. " we all came from darkness and so we all shall return to darkness." okay enough darkness quotes..I think I made my point...Hope you like them because I feel darkness will win out.


It All Began In Shadow, It All Will Return To Shadow! The Primordial Darkness, That Gave Rise To Light, Shall Be What Welcome's Us All! At The Dust Of Creation!


Pick now.
          1): Leviathan
          2): Extinction
          3): Monster Zero
          4): Hellblazer
          5): Transcended
          6): Transformers
          7): Devil Craft
          8): Illogical
          9): Killing Bites
          10): Life Fiber