
..   you  weren’t  present  at  today’s  meeting.


@saintangst    [he remained silent momentarily,   thinking back at the darkness that coursed through his very veins way back when it did,  and that sense of realization alone caused a shift within him]   that darkness    ..is one he was born with,    much like    —never mind.  it doesn’t matter who,   but it festers in those who are    ..light,  and corrupts them in the cruelest ways.   and he is one of those cases,  unfortunately.   how to stop it?  i cannot say,  the only loophole around it is death,   and i refuse to lose my grandson as well     ..but soon enough,  he will be too far gone,  enveloped in his own darkness before we can even find solutions 


@draqriys      ..   he is calling out for help!  [ she feels as if she’s the only one looking beneath the boy’s personality shift—     the only one searching for how to fix it]      i don’t know what it is nor how to explain it,    but i can smell it on him—-      it is ..    as dark and as violent as what once possessed your arm yet in his case it battles to corrupt his mind and soon his heart.  he will not let it,   as that is the strength of his ancestors and own father but he /needs/ help.     


@saintangst      whatever i have said is not a direct cause of his newfound anger.  it has always been there,   but with his influx of power and ultimate ego,   he thinks his zeal for vengeance is impenetrable.   perhaps if the membresia’s head is on her shoulders correctly,   she could easily convince him he’s gone bloody mad


you look tired..


@draqriys      [ her lips curve into a sympathetic smile,   she does not question for she already knows why. adjusting harry’s weight on her hip, jayne makes her way forward. their son’s attention immediately drawing to his father, reaching his arms out for him]


@birdsburn      because i am tired..   hand me the child,  please 


i assume styorra is the cause to your crankiness ?


@draqriys    defamation such as what, aegon..


@truerheir     yes she has,  multiple crimes including defamation of the prince.  


@draqriys      ..  we can’t sentence a girl to death all because you hate her, she hasn’t committed a crime 


do..  do you want to hold him?


@draqriys   yes, i have only ever eaten hefty amounts when he had yet been born. therefore you are,  indeed to blame   [ she squeezed his shoulder all in good fun whilst she passed by, the toys being placed neatly by the wall.  she would look every now and then, her expression feigning worry and attentiveness.  not that she didn’t  trust aegon,      it was the mere instincts and anxieties of a young first time mother. ] i fear he will learn to eat a boar’s  leg before he can even say his first word.  [ she is there at his side again, grinning at her son’s bright face, it’s enough to gush over, which she does,  and litters his chubby face with kisses] perhaps two


@birdsburn    mm..  i think not  [he hums,  only for his index finger to lightly poke at the little bloated tummy of his son’s a few times,  watching that wide gummy smile grow even bigger with a squeal.   he would then follow jayne over to jaehaerys’s crib,  lightly bouncing him to keep him entertained as he glanced down at the wooden figure of his trusty mount]  when he’s old enough,  he’ll be sure to meet the green fury in the flesh..   isn’t that right?  [his attention was now upon harry,  whose little hands seemed to grab at his father’s face and turning it to look at him]   you also never had an appetite,  even when we were younger..  so perhaps i will take the blame for his insatiable hunger throughout all hours of the day


@draqriys     then perhaps you should tell your son not to overstuff his gullet..  [ the interaction brings a smile to her face. Jaehaerys is now infatuated with his father and jayne scurries around the room,    gathering together and fidgeting with his toys (gifts the queen and his sisters had given her upon little harry’s arrival)  with a need to do something with herself.   there was one in his very crib,     a wooden replica of the green fury.   she doesn’t touch that one.  harry loved it more than he loved the wooden phoenix,   and that was his mother’s house sigil]  he eats more than i and he’s yet to be full grown. 


..  this doesn’t taste how i imagined it.


@draqriys     younger me would be dramatically repulsed        [ his younger self was a topic that he had grown.. to resent— partially.  all the things he had used to do now falls upon his memory and that memory makes him cringe.    he’d never go back,  now that he was older.  not  because he was an insufferable teenage boy, but because he had his brother,    he was closer than he had ever been—- part of him still found it hard to believe. the very part that sat by his door when he was away,       and cried until he could not.   it changed him for the better,   he supposed ]     then again he was an idiot and not familiar with the ..   craft that sprouts children. 


@draqeir    our aunt daenaera is surely keeping him alive at this point..  although i do know he cut back on such ravenous drinking upon becoming a father,  so perhaps he has some more time to live  [his fingers circled along the chalice before him as he slouched back into his set some,  his other hand drumming against the hardwood of the table before them,  rings clacking against it.  it was strange,  needless to say.  sitting here and sipping on black wine with his younger brother..  the very brother that not too long ago who drove him crazy,  he wasn’t innocent though..  so perhaps it was deserved.  he was content though,  moving past that childish brotherly stage,  and now they were both at an age where they could be..  more of friends,  rather than the older and younger brother]


@draqriys      [ he eyes his cup,   and decided he’s had enough placing it upon the wood of the table and  folding his hands in his lap.   it’s a strange feeling.  once he was a teenage boy with awful hair and an annoying voice, now he was akin to a young man. where girls shamelessly let their eyes wander and he opts to stay oblivious—   or pretends they’re ogling his brother, which they probably are]   surprised our dear uncle is still breathing as of late,   given such a habit.. 


nevermind that,  defend yourself


@draqriys       i could be.   [ this was becoming tiresome for the she-wolf.   after a minute of poking and her sword being moved out of his way, she gave up.  it instead finds solace within the pavement beneath them, her weight being leaned against it, held up with her arm    ]    i’d make a fearsome enemy 


@canimort       well     .. no,   i’m rather brutal when it comes to combat.   [  glancing down at her blade,   he then felt a cooler sensation along the warm skin of his stomach,   resulting in him clearing his throat before ultimately stepping back and shoving her sword aside and away from his frame,   ]    but you’re not exactly the enemy,   now are you?


you’re meant to strike at me.    [ her eye roll was accompanied with a sense of humor. the tip of her blade had nudged once, then twice against the  the flesh of his stomach beneath his fabrics   ]    is this how you’re going to be when a threat comes on the morrow?  idle and lazy?     @draqriys


so uh..   how long before it hatches ?
          /  first year nate w egg au :(


@draqriys         [ he’s sitting with his chin propped up in his palm, legs dangling as he was still to short for his feet to fully touch the ground.  scuffed sneakers and laces untied.  his plum shade hues never left the dragon egg in question, how the bright light from the sun made it shimmer gold ]   do you believe golden dragons are real?    [ the question was spoken aloud, despite it being his internal wondering.  matteo’s taunts were still in the back of his head, especially since his egg was the first to hatch amongst the first years while his was hardly even responding to his brain signals ]  


@kingsarc       by the looks of it?    should be any day now     .. you see the shell?    it’s beginning to thin and stretch because he    — or she,   is almost ready to break free


quit hogging him, we were meant to go horse riding 


@draqriys    I doubt he’ll out eat a starving wolf.  jon would eat ten plates if he could.  full of meat and nothing else like the carnivore he is.   (un)like his father and grandfather, however i would be there to watch the amount.   you yourself have a belly growing 


@canimort       you know i will,    i have a knack for arguing with the old brutes     .. it’s quite fun if i do say so myself    [  he knew better than to pay any mind to her sly comment,   for it was only to get him riled up.   his only response was a subtle scoff which was accompanied by an eye roll  ]   be warned      .. that boy sure knows how to stuff his gullet,   much like his father and grandfather 


@draqriys       good.  meanwhile, my favorite aegon and i will be racing the winds and stuffing our faces.    perhaps even advance his skill in archery while you wither away among old men and  mean mesyrs [ then she steps forward, smoothing down his furs, picking out small pieces of leaves that had fell she assumed ]   i’m sure you’ll have lots of fun