
I NEVER read an incomplete story lol. It's like I set myself up for disappointment because if the story is really good and I get into it and I want to read more. But then I see that its been 6 months up to a year since its been updated it just irks me lol.


I just don't get it...I may not have posted any stories. But I dont get the concept of leaving your followers on their toes threatening not to update or do a sequel  if you don't get any and/or enough likes or comments. I know if it were me I'd want to publish my whole story. ITs hard to get likes and votes if you leave us hanging in the middle of a chapter not knowing whats going to happen next. To me it doesn't make me angry or anything but its upsetting a little reading a story so good and then it just stops and I get paranoid wondering "why, this book is so good it caught my attention. Now I don't even care if it gets updated". But again that's my opinion. As a lover of fanfiction Imspeaking for myself so no one should feel offended.