
I’ve been gone and inactive lots lately but I’ve been thinking on revamping my story and give names instead of a y/a; who knows what I’ll do now or in a few days. 
          	But on other news; Jin’s back home ✨
          	Yours truly,    JAX


I’ve been gone and inactive lots lately but I’ve been thinking on revamping my story and give names instead of a y/a; who knows what I’ll do now or in a few days. 
          But on other news; Jin’s back home ✨
          Yours truly,    JAX


I’ve been reading and improving my writing so I hope my chapters get better. I appreciate anyone who take the time to read! Please lmk what you think and hopefully I get to respond to anything along the way :) 
          8:43 cali time 


It’s a sad day on Instagram, seeing Jin going to deployment soon and all his pretty hair will be cut off  so much for hiding all the scissors  bts will be army now and we will be bts 
          On that note, I will be posting new chappys for my stories soon cause why not give some joy :) 
          Eat, read, sleep and repeat <333
          - JAX