
I'm starting on another one shot. Inspired by a song, this story started one way to lead into the inspiration. 10 pages in and still haven't got to that part. Another one is getting away from me (not that I'm complaining, I love writing) but with the way it's turning out, the song that I spired this thong is gonna end up being a scene in the whole story instead of the story revolving around the song lol. Also, NBD, just met Todd Haberkorn on Sunday at a comic con in Philly. He signed my backpack. Okay I'm lying I'm still geeking out. He and his wife were amazing. She was so sweet! And he is just an awesome person. He had a whole conversation with my daughter on her cosplay hand. Very nice guy!


Was this the plot of Life after at some point, and now it changed? Im trying to find that fanfiction because i loved it, but i can't seem to find it. Its this plot in the beginning anyway: tohru and kyo stay at Sensei before they leave for their new apartment. kyo refuses to sleep with her until they get home, but he does other things. they spend time at a hotel and use a "gift."


@drgnldy2007 I enjoyed reading your fiction. I was just confused because I am still looking for the other fic


@lICloudyIl if mine is similar to any other fanfic it is purely by coincidence. I wrote this after not quite being satisfied with what was already published at the time so i wrote my own story. :)


I'm starting on another one shot. Inspired by a song, this story started one way to lead into the inspiration. 10 pages in and still haven't got to that part. Another one is getting away from me (not that I'm complaining, I love writing) but with the way it's turning out, the song that I spired this thong is gonna end up being a scene in the whole story instead of the story revolving around the song lol. Also, NBD, just met Todd Haberkorn on Sunday at a comic con in Philly. He signed my backpack. Okay I'm lying I'm still geeking out. He and his wife were amazing. She was so sweet! And he is just an awesome person. He had a whole conversation with my daughter on her cosplay hand. Very nice guy!


Alright you guys. I have been procrastinating all day. Sat in front of my laptop for probably close to an hour with the document open waiting for me to start typing and finish this damn story already. It's finally finished y'all, I just have to type it. But between Tik Tok and getting my daughter sorted into her house and choosing her patronus and wand (she is a Gryffindor with an Eagle and a Holly/Unicorn core wand. I am a Slytherin with a Shrew), its been a struggle. I finally started typing and I was doing good until I started going cross eyed trying to finish and then to realize I have almost 20 MORE PAGES TO GO, I am going to stop for tonight and finish up tomorrow night. Hopefully then I'll be able to start something new for you guys! Thanks so much for sticking it out with me!


Yall I am writing again! Trying to get this all written out tonight so I can type it all up and hopefully have it posted either tomorrow night or Saturday. Might have to splut it up into 2 chapters, idk, but it's getting done! 


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So, part 6 of my supposed one shot has finally been written. I will be typing, editing and posting tomorrow. I've had a few other short story ideas I've been wanting to write but I can't start those until this particular story is finished. I can't write multiple things at once. Shit will get mixed up, plot lines confused, etc. I know myself well enough it couldn't work. I'm really really REALLY hoping to have this tied up in one last chapter, who knows. Honestly, if it makes it past 7 chapters, I may remove it completely and turn it into its own item. Not sure yet. My other two stand alones are over 25 chapters and I know it won't be near that. Oh well. I'm still really happy with and proud of my story. I'm just surprised it's taken on a life of its own.


Omg you guys! Life After just hit 50k views!!!!! I am truly touched. I love knowing that you guys have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it! A great little birthday present to myself to see that! Thank u guys so much!! If you're looking g for anything else! Please feel free to check out my Fairy Tail works as well, Through My Music and Fairy Tail one-shots! Have a great day you guys!! Also, if anyone else needs an excuse to put up their Christmas tree, it's my birthday! It's what I do on my birthday because it's one of my favorite times of year.


I'm writing again!! Currently working on a nalu short story that will be posted in my FT one shot series. Definitely a 3 shot possibly more. The scenes are playing on my head and therefore I must write. It feels good to write again. I dont like to half ass anything so if the story is going no where or I can't get anything more than a montage out of my head, it shan't be done. Unfortunately alot of my "ideas" would be better off as fanart and im not nearly as talented as some of these other artists so I'm not even going to try lol yall be lucky to get stick figures outta me lol. Well, I hope u enjoy the story. Hoping to get it finished and then typed up and posted in a week or so! On another note if anyone has not yet seen devil is a part timer I highly recommend it!!!!!!


Hey guys!!! So I had to take a long break and im so sorry! I have one NaLu one shot that has to go thru editing before I can post it and im working on a second one so once that's done I'll probably post both at the same time. Once those are up and gonna try and work on some Miraculous Ladybug one shots. Thanks for sticking out with me!!!