
this message may be offensive
I have FINALLY finished Bully and About The Characters In Bully. Wow after years of me being a dumb bitch and not wanting to do shit I finally actually did shit :D.


Ok so some weird crap is like happening to my wattpad i posted one of the chapters and another chapter was posted instead and i posted those last two statuses and wattpad told me they weren't posted so idk wtf is going on but lets just say i am very fricken angry


Ok so I posted the first part of the book about the characters from Bully but idk if it is my WiFi or wattpad that is messing up but it won’t let me upload the second part so the book seems a bit boring right now but just bear with me ok cause once my WiFi or wattpad decides to work and let me publish part 2 the book will maybe get a bit more interesting