
Hello my lovelies,
          	I am so sorry for not updating but I had an exam, then an assignment and another exam coming up so all my focus and time is spent on revision. However I wanted to let you guys know what's going to happen to truthful lies... 
          	In about 24 hours I am going to unpublish all the chapters and edit everything.....yes everything.
          	I've also decided to change the story so that it's no longer told from a first person point of view but a third persons point of view. This will all
          	be happening in 24 hours, the main story line will remain the same only with some changes.
          	Sorry guys but I get really frustrated when I spot mistake after mistake every time I reread my work so it just must be done.
          	Thank you all
          	Nika ✌️✌


@edgynika No problem, looking forward to re-read the new concept from first person :)


Well hello  there, how are you doing on this fine morning/night? Well I’m not gonna keep you waiting I was wondering if you could come check out my new book “Wild Things” whenever you get the chance to. Please and thank you❤️. Maybe leave a comment or something letting me know how my book is going?? Feedback is really needed please and thank you. 


I couldn't help myself but tell you how much your poetry book touched me, personally, and how much truth you could find in your words. It was a wonderful, enchanting book. Your poems spell bounded me. Thank you so much. 


Thank you so much that really touched me it still a work in progress but hopefully more will come or soon


Hello my lovelies,
          I am so sorry for not updating but I had an exam, then an assignment and another exam coming up so all my focus and time is spent on revision. However I wanted to let you guys know what's going to happen to truthful lies... 
          In about 24 hours I am going to unpublish all the chapters and edit everything.....yes everything.
          I've also decided to change the story so that it's no longer told from a first person point of view but a third persons point of view. This will all
          be happening in 24 hours, the main story line will remain the same only with some changes.
          Sorry guys but I get really frustrated when I spot mistake after mistake every time I reread my work so it just must be done.
          Thank you all
          Nika ✌️✌


@edgynika No problem, looking forward to re-read the new concept from first person :)


Hello my lovelies,
          So I know I haven't posted in like forever but I have started uni and podiatry is extremely hard, especially 2nd year, so I'm dedicating most of my time on my degree. However I have not neglected this story I have actually started chapter 12 and will post it by Sunday the latest- that is the latest.....thank you to all those who have patiently been waiting, you are simple amazing.
          Thank you and peace out


          So I know I should've posted over the weekends but unfortunately uni has started and so updates may be a bit slower. However I am working on chapter 12 as we speak and have a rough idea about where it's going to go. So hold on tight.... And thank you all for your patience!!
          Peace out


Hey guys
          Sorry for not updating truthful lies this Saturday but I was extremely ill and still am. However I am slowly working on it and hope to bring some drama in this new update.
          Thank your for all your patience
          Nika Taite ❤️