
Hi guys!!  
          	So I realise I haven’t posted any updates on stories in well nearly a year.... but I have just recently tried getting back into my writing but I’m not too sure as of yet, so I have posted an old draft of a story I was dabbling with and if I get any feedback on whether I should continue I will try and update as frequently as I can. I would love to know if anyone is interested in me updating any of my old stories or continuing with something new. 
          	Stay safe xx


Hi guys!!  
          So I realise I haven’t posted any updates on stories in well nearly a year.... but I have just recently tried getting back into my writing but I’m not too sure as of yet, so I have posted an old draft of a story I was dabbling with and if I get any feedback on whether I should continue I will try and update as frequently as I can. I would love to know if anyone is interested in me updating any of my old stories or continuing with something new. 
          Stay safe xx


Thought I would let everyone know that i have a fanfiction.net account if you guys want to have a look at it I will attach the name here: DauntlessCake90210
          and I will be uploading most of my stories on that now but if anybody just wants me to continue a story on this  please pm me and let me know because I am not getting much responses to my stories atm but i will continue if I am asked in my pm's so if there is one you would like continued let me know.


Hey everyone I'm finally back all my passwords and usernames got all jumbled because I got a new laptop so now I finally found it and I would just like to notify ye all that I am moving away from all the fanfictions and onto more original ideas while I couldn't get into this account I started a new one so I am going to take my stories from that account down and move them to this one by tonight so you can all have a read of them Xxx
          Stay Fresh!!