
Hi my lovelies, things are a bit chaotic for me at the moment. Last week, problems arose that I had to deal with and that took up all my time and thoughts. This week I have three new appointments. But I'm still trying to write. The first update for “Naughty Boy” has just gone online.


@ einfach_Eileen  oke dear❤️


hey author, how have you been? 
          I'm here again to ask for permission to translate "Into your Heart!"; 
          I'm not sure if you read my previous comment, but no problem, of course! :) 
          Don't forget to rest, have a good day! 


Hi my lovelies, things are a bit chaotic for me at the moment. Last week, problems arose that I had to deal with and that took up all my time and thoughts. This week I have three new appointments. But I'm still trying to write. The first update for “Naughty Boy” has just gone online.


@ einfach_Eileen  oke dear❤️


Hey dear author of you are not updated recently.are you ok?


@AbhiramiSindhu good to hear you are okay dear. Will wait for your updation.


@AbhiramiSindhu It wasn't okay. But it is now okay again. I try to update my stories more regular from now on.


I explain Fanficion in Hindi on Youtube...I liked your story very much. Can I explain your story in Hindi?


          Hallo und guten  Nacht,
          Ich bin ein Leser Ihrer Geschichten und folge Ihnen aus dem Iran.  
          Ich möchte Ihnen, wenn möglich, eine Frage stellen. Ich bin der Übersetzer eines der Kanäle von Yizhan, und der Name des Kanals und der Gruppe auf Telegram lautet „Turtles Fiction“.  
          Vor einiger Zeit habe ich eine Geschichte von Yizhan mit dem Titel „Who Are You?“ gelesen.  
          Ich wollte fragen, ob es möglich ist, diese Geschichte ins Persische zu übersetzen?  
          Ich werde dies gemäß den von Ihnen genehmigten Bedingungen tun.
          Viele Grüße 


Hallo und guten Morgen.  
            Ja, wir werden gemäß Ihrer Anfrage handeln.  
            Vielen Dank. 


@hedieh_97 Die einzigen Dinge auf die ich bestehe sind, dass angegeben wird, wer der Original Autors des Buches ist. Und ein Link zum Original Buch hier auf Wattpad. Das ist eigentlich schon alles. Und nein, du bist nicht dazu verpflichtet das Buch auf Wattpad zu veröffentlichen. Das kannst du tun. Aber nur, wenn du das willst.


Vielen Dank, dass Sie mir und meiner Gruppe erlaubt haben, diese schöne Geschichte zu übersetzen.
            Ich habe nur ein paar Fragen:
            Muss ich bestimmte Bedingungen beachten?
            Und die letzte Frage, soll ich die Geschichte auf Wattpad veröffentlichen?


Hi author :). 
          so, one day I was reading one of your stories "Into your heart!" (actually, I read it multiple times..), I found the story SO DAMN GOOD.
          I would like to ask for permission to translate it into my language, portuguese, so more people could read this masterpiece. 
          And of course, I would give credits. ᵕ̈
          Have a good day!


@lluvhaoo it's good story.i also read that story multiple times.


Hey lovelies, sorry I haven't written any more updates yet. I have been suffering from a headache for the last three days, probably due to the constantly changing weather, and have not been in the mood to write. Hope it's better again tomorrow. I'm going to see my doctor tomorrow and get a prescription for the headache.


@einfach_Eileen get well soon, your health is important, although I love to your stories but health comes Frist.
            Get well soon and give us your amazing stories


Hi my dears. As some of you have already noticed, I have started writing another book. It's called "Naughty Boy". And for this book I am still looking for beautiful names for girls/women and boys/men of Asian origin. Do you know any beautiful names and would you tell me about them? And also which country the names come from? Otherwise I would have to ask google and it only shows me typical names. Well, and because I have readers from all over the world, I thought I'd just ask you.


            Feminine Names
            Yue Ling (月玲): Moon bell
            Lan Fen (兰芬): Orchid fragrance
            Mei Xuan (美轩): Beautiful pavilion
            Qing Lian (清莲): Pure lotus
            Ying Yue (颖月): Smart moon
            Zhi Rui (芷瑞): Angelica herb auspicious
            Ting Yu (婷玉): Graceful jade
            Rong Hua (荣华): Glorious and flourishing
            Xiao Lian (晓莲): Dawn lotus
            Yun Xi (云溪): Cloudy creek
            Ling Yue (灵月): Spirit moon
            Hui Fang (慧芳): Wise and fragrant
            Xiu Mei (秀美): Elegant and beautiful
            Min Zhen (敏珍): Quick and precious
            Ya Lan (雅兰): Elegant orchid
            Fang Fei (芳菲): Fragrant and blooming
            Shu Jing (淑静): Gentle and quiet
            Yu Xuan (玉璇): Jade gem
            Ning Xue (宁雪): Peaceful snow
            Cai Hong (彩虹): Colorful rainbow
            Masculine Names
            Jun Hao (俊浩): Handsome and grand
            Lei Feng (雷锋): Thunder peak
            Kai Wen (凯文): Victorious and refined
            Ming Jie (明杰): Bright and heroic
            Tian Yu (天宇): Sky universe
            Yi Fan (亦凡): Extraordinary
            Zhi Hao (志豪): Ambitious and grand
            Bo Qiang (博强): Learned and strong
            Rui An (睿安): Wise and peaceful
            Sheng Wei (晟伟): Flourishing greatness
            Han Lin (汉林): Chinese forest
            Yun Tao (云涛): Cloud wave
            Chen Xi (晨曦): Morning sunlight
            Qing Yu (清宇): Pure universe
            Liang Feng (亮锋): Bright edge
            Jian Rong (建荣): Building glory
            Yong Zhen (永振): Eternal vibration
            Zhi Peng (智鹏): Wise and large bird
            Tao Ming (涛明): Great wave brightness
            Jun Yang (俊阳): Handsome and sunny


@WeiLan-YiZhan I like Yu Lan and Le Hao the most. But the other's are good too. Thank you so much dear.


            Feminine Names : 
            Ling Chen (灵 陈): Spirit / Intelligent Chen
            Mei Hua (美 花): Beauty Flower
            Xin Yi (心 依): Heart / Spirit Yi
            Xiao Ping (萧 平): Fresh / Light Ping
            Yu Lan (雨 兰): Rain Orchid
            Hong Li (红 李): Red Li
            Jia Min (佳 敏): Excellent / Magnificent Min
            Li Na (丽 娜): Elegant / Beautiful Na
            Yan Ru (燕 茹): Swallow Ru
            Qing Wen (晴 文): Clear Weather Wen
            Masculine Names : 
            Wei Cheng (伟 程): Great / Powerful Cheng
            Le Hao (乐 豪): Happiness / Music Hao
            Jun An (俊 安): Handsome / Talented An
            Hao Ren (浩 仁): Vast / Great Ren
            Zheng Wei (正 伟): Just / Correct Wei
            Yu Chen (宇 陈): Universe Chen
            Long Fei (龙 飞): Dragon Fei
            Chao Ming (超 明): Exceptional / Extraordinary Ming
            Zhi Qiang (智 强): Wisdom / Intelligence Qiang
            Shi Jie (世 杰): World / Generation Jie