
this message may be offensive
I haven’t been on here in so long and I apologise. My whole life is shit rn. I haven’t been writing at all and work has took over everything. I want to quit my job I want to leave home and I lowkey want to die. Oh and my eating disorder is coming at me full swing. But here’s to skipping meals and getting thin . Ive started something new. I may post it idk it might just be a vent thing but I hope everyone is doing well❤️


this message may be offensive
I haven’t been on here in so long and I apologise. My whole life is shit rn. I haven’t been writing at all and work has took over everything. I want to quit my job I want to leave home and I lowkey want to die. Oh and my eating disorder is coming at me full swing. But here’s to skipping meals and getting thin . Ive started something new. I may post it idk it might just be a vent thing but I hope everyone is doing well❤️


I thought coming on holiday to wales would be fun but I can't write I have barely any signal my mum is shouting and complaining at me 24/7 and I wish I was dead... so yeah basically this holiday sucks and I want to go home and write but home is 161 miles away... and this isn't worth reading...


@croutonsandsalad I'm sorry you feel that way. i know how you feel and if you want to talk I'm always here! and thank you it means alot to hear you say that :) 


@radioactiveashley hi 
            i'm in exactly the same situation I'm on vacation and my mom and i keep fighting. i have all these activities but i still feel lonely and I'm depressed and it sucks. just thought i'd write to say i love your book fix me (just started reading it) and that you're really talented! :))