
Well lets see, I'm a Torus. I have 4 piercings on each ear, no tattoo's, but I do have brown highlights. My favorite season? Im not so sure. I enjoy wearing sweaters yet i love showing off my outfits so I'd probably go with Spring. But then again, I can't stand the cold so much. Autumn is also a favorite of mine. I'm not so sure but I'd probably have to go with Mc Donalds. Currently, I am in the U.S. 
          I listen to weird music. I've listened to them before, all of the artists you've mentioned. I used to love them but then shifted to different genres like kpop, rap, and funky songs like those from the 90s on soundcloud. So yeah I'm all over the place.
          Do you like to bake?


Oh, that's so sad.


@EliseLacey Yep, I feel you on that one. Ohhh hell yes you do!! Bratty. Nope, Nah, Nada. No they just buy Christmas presents and tell her half of them are birthday presents but no happy birthday or anything like that which sucks, she never saw birthday wrapping paper. People just kinda forget


Blue is not a bad color. I just have a preference for blonde, brown, and black. I don't get too wild with colors because those seem to fade the most.
            Oh, that sucks! I always want to explore around town and try new foods, but I wouldn't like to bring my parents around because it wouldn't suit their preference. You have to surround yourself with exciting people or people willing to have fun. That always makes the experience more fun. Typically, it's always better with friends. May I ask, were they bratty or pessimistic about the trip?
            Any attractive people you like?
            Does she ever ask for 2 presents instead of one? Sorry, I just have to ask because that would make more sense.