
I have been soooo slack on wattpad recently, pretty much haven't been coming on or even picking up my laptop at all. My youngest starts school next week so I will finally have some free time to focus on my writing a little more. Can't wait to be spending at least one day a week writing and being able to stick to an update schedule! 


I have been soooo slack on wattpad recently, pretty much haven't been coming on or even picking up my laptop at all. My youngest starts school next week so I will finally have some free time to focus on my writing a little more. Can't wait to be spending at least one day a week writing and being able to stick to an update schedule! 


Just updated Enchanted Away, for the first time in over a month. Oops. Now that the summer holidays have finished up I'm going to try my best to stick to a uploading schedule, hopefully every Monday. I will also be updating beyond the end twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays. 


Anyone else had published books just vanish? I've been a bit slack with one I was writing but now that I've jumped on to try and work on it it's disappeared. Not in my drafts just gone completely. I was like 23 chapters in so I didn't just forget to save.