
Hey.. I don’t know if you followed through with what your story said and I may be a year late, but it’s not worth it... people will miss you... your sister, the one who you said we getting deployed, her little girls.. they’ll remember. And money can never ever replace a life... I know I don’t know you and you don’t know me and I know that if you’re still here the tunnel may still be dark and you don’t see a way out. But I promise you if you keep walking there will be a light; there is always a light at the end of the tunnel... I don’t know if you’ll ever see this or if anyone will. But you deserve a good life and you can make that for yourself. Take those two jobs and build a home for yourself, go see your nieces, you said you’ll miss them, so don’t put yourself in that position... build a life you love... and let go of the things hurting you.. I know it probably isn’t that easy, but you can try, right? There is hope. Everyone has hope. I hope I’m not to late to tell you this stuff and even if I’m not you may not listen because I’m a complete stranger off the internet, or you may even be healing yourself already and building something for yourself, but I hope and pray to god that you are still here and that you can make it through because you’re worth it. No matter how worthless people make you feel or how worthless you make yourself feel. You’re worth it. You’re worth everything in this world... don’t throw it away....