
I’m sorry, but I’m deleting Wattpad, I just don’t like any of the stories on this app.


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My English teacher: yipping on and on about how the weekends aren’t for not doing schoolwork
          Me: but isn’t that the whole point of the fucking weekend?


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This dude’s whole lecture’s just going on and I’m like: I get it, I’m a stain on humanity because I forgot about a fucking 1 paragraph essay that’s my least favorite type of thing to write, just fucking call me a horrible little bitch and move on with your life


Should I leave Wattpad? There’s only one person I follow that I’m actually interested in at this point and all my attention has gone to AO3. You don’t need to force me out of pity, so please be honest about this. I’ll make sure to make it clear on all my books that I’m quitting. I don’t think anyone will answer, but still


@emberdragon240 you can do whatever you wish, nobody will stop you. If you want to leave, go ahead, a break, go right on, if you don't, nobody is stopping you. We just want you to be happy with whatever dicision you make


If you really want to, I won’t stop you. If you think it’s whats best for you, all power to you! This is your decision, and we won’t hold it against you. <3


The only thing that’s making me hesitant to get The Origami King is that I got too connected to Huey in Color Splash and if you don’t know what happened, the ending basically takes him and stabs you 37 times in the chest with it and I’m scared that they’ll do something similar with Olivia. DON’T SAY ANYTHING IN THE COMMENTS THOUGH, I WANNA GO THROUGH THE GAME AS BLIND AS POSSIBLE


I finished the game and I wanna die inside even more now