
"Understand Us" is going to go through very drastic edits very soon, so if you have read the first three parts, I advise you to re-read the story. I'm making lots of plot changes, adding in new characters, more details, and more background information about characters as well.


"Understand Us" is going to go through very drastic edits very soon, so if you have read the first three parts, I advise you to re-read the story. I'm making lots of plot changes, adding in new characters, more details, and more background information about characters as well.


How often should I add new chapters? Let me know what you think.


@emberer At least once a week, the people reading your book will forget what youve written otherwise, write in advance if it helps x


Hey! Could you maybe check out my story, Midnight? If you can't, it's alright :)