
          	So I had finished writing the first chapter of Broken Little Butterfly and I was super excited to publish it. I had left it till the morning because there was something I wanted to add. Only I woke up this morning to find that it had not saved even though I manually save it multiple times:( Needless to say that I am having to rewrite it so unfortunately it wont be published today but I'm hoping for tomorrow! Thanks for reading and loving Mila:)!


          So I had finished writing the first chapter of Broken Little Butterfly and I was super excited to publish it. I had left it till the morning because there was something I wanted to add. Only I woke up this morning to find that it had not saved even though I manually save it multiple times:( Needless to say that I am having to rewrite it so unfortunately it wont be published today but I'm hoping for tomorrow! Thanks for reading and loving Mila:)!


          I’m sorry for the long wait for the next chapter of Butterflies but I have officially finished school for the year and I will now have more time to write! The next chapter will be released later today!!