Do I look like I know what I'm doing qwq

Name: Brutus Roderick/Troy Arthur odysseus or Emily

Pronouns: she/her/he/him/they/them/it/itself

Sexuilty: Biromantic

Fandoms I'm in: countryhuman/countrydragon, assassin's creed Odyssey, dream smp even if I don't like some side of that place, Greek mythology, kind of in the scp foundation, Hamilton I'm now in the dsaf and fnaf fandom

Am I active on wattpad: kind of books will take extremely slow to update tho

I do rp though so yeah

People I rp a bit I'm not fuss tbh but hey:

Name Guernsey/ for his human name Edward

Nickname: Guern or Eddie for his human name

Birthday: unknown specifically but says it's on 30th of June

Age: 944 years old

Important family member: he has a twin brother called Jersey

Likes: books, fields, donkeys, cows, milk, pounds, fishing but only if it's in pounds, freedom

Dislikes: war, rape, discrimination, large amounts of water which is unironic because he is an island
  • JoinedApril 11, 2021


Last Message
emptyness67 emptyness67 Dec 07, 2021 03:43PM
Out of any Animatronic in fnaf what one do you think I would be? 
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