
OK so I know I haven't posted like I said I would a few months back but then as soon as  I make that promise my school decides to give me projects, then have me start working on high school schedules, then changed our school schedules, and then I felt Oasis In Ohio needed to have plot holes (that are later in the story) fixed. Now that all of that is down, the next chapter of Oasis In Ohio will be released later today. Happy reading, and I look forward to properly being on Wattpad once again.


OK so I know I haven't posted like I said I would a few months back but then as soon as  I make that promise my school decides to give me projects, then have me start working on high school schedules, then changed our school schedules, and then I felt Oasis In Ohio needed to have plot holes (that are later in the story) fixed. Now that all of that is down, the next chapter of Oasis In Ohio will be released later today. Happy reading, and I look forward to properly being on Wattpad once again.


Thank you so much for your support ☺
          I truly appreciate it a million fold ❤
          PS : absolutely love your profile !!*


@RiaWulf  Thank you, *hugs back* and I did have a great weekend, hope you did too! :)


@enchantedwolf123  The pleasure is mine *hug* hope you have a great weekend!


@RiaWulf   You're very welcome <3 and thank you :)


Hi everyone! I'm sorry that I've been gone for months now, I just mentally overloaded myself and started pushing hobbies that I love aside, which, sadly, had included Wattpad. I've made a new schedule for myself and have stopped pushing myself so hard when if comes to things like this and I plan to take Wattpad back up.  For the moment I will update Oasis in Ohio at least once a week and read on here and just be online from time to time. Just as a reward to everyone that's been waiting for my return, my face reveal will be at 500 followers and will have more content tied to it. ;) Thank you for staying with me, happy reading!


            OMG! UR BACK! YAYAY!


@xXLovelyLillyWolfxX  I'm as happy as you are to be back :)


A star has 2 ends. A square has 4 ends. A triangle has 3 ends. A line has 2 ends. But the circle of our friendship had no end. Send this to all your friends (including me, if I am one). If you get 5 back, you are a great friend. If you get 10 back, you are popular. If you get 15 back, I'm jealous ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


          Paste this onto 15 people's boards!


Spread the positivity!
          Your skin isn't a paper don't cut it
          Your body isn't a book don't judge it
          Your heart isn't a door don't lock it
          Your life isn't a movie don't end it
          You are beautiful and don't let anyone bring you down.
          Be you.. Stay safe!! And just know you are loved!


Spread the positivity!
          Your skin isn't a paper don't cut it
          Your body isn't a book don't judge it
          Your heart isn't a door don't lock it
          Your life isn't a movie don't end it
          You are beautiful and don't let anyone bring you down.
          Be you.. Stay safe!! And just know you are loved!