
Does anyone want me to update The Best Part this weekend or no? 
          	~Beth :) 


@fearandhope15 How do u know?  and thank you. It's hard with the whole different time differences. 


@england_obsessed well when i first started i just used to post them like 4 chapters in a day but now i realise i just have to wait for the other chapters to settle in first, now i just post like when i think im ready for it to be seen if you get what i mean, and im sure the time diffrence is fine  because i mostly post mine at really odd times deppending if i can get to sleep:-)


@fearandhope15 Haha. It's okay and congratulations.  idk when to update because I don't know if anyone is liking my story (I know u are, cause you've told me)  like cause I have the chapter all wrote up but when do I post it? 


@england_obsessed :) Well just update when you feel like you are ready,eventually people will read over night and it will just get more and more and alot of people are liking it dont worry :-) x x


Just wanna say thank you for the cover its amazing :') really aprriciate it :-) also i have started to write a couple of paragraphs down on paper for the next chapter I HAVE KNOCKED DOWN THAT BRICK WALL IN MY HEAD HURRAH :-) Thank  you so much though:-)