
life update:
          	i apologize for being away for months. lately, I have been struggling with life and have been dealing with personal issues. i don't know how or when I will be back for good, but I will be back slowly. I'm so sorry for disappointing the readers but I gotta take care of myself first before I take care of others' opinions. Don't worry, I will be back. I miss you all and I hope you still remember me.
          	- Mia


@enpsych Take time to care for yourself. There’s no rush in anything, remember to be kind to yourself and it’s okay to have struggles in life. Not everyday may be the best day but find something to be happy about even for a second helps whether it be a book or snack that brings you joy.


this message may be offensive
@enpsych always put yourself first. Nothing else matters if you aren't okay. We all have been in that hole that sucks you down, and understand. Please be kind and understanding towards yourself. If you can't see a way or why for that, I try to think of if I was someone else would I be okay with them saying or thinking those things. That usually helps me realize the shit I'm thinking is all bullshit. I hope you have a way to vent and safe people to talk to. 
          	  Please take care!!!


life update:
          i apologize for being away for months. lately, I have been struggling with life and have been dealing with personal issues. i don't know how or when I will be back for good, but I will be back slowly. I'm so sorry for disappointing the readers but I gotta take care of myself first before I take care of others' opinions. Don't worry, I will be back. I miss you all and I hope you still remember me.
          - Mia


@enpsych Take time to care for yourself. There’s no rush in anything, remember to be kind to yourself and it’s okay to have struggles in life. Not everyday may be the best day but find something to be happy about even for a second helps whether it be a book or snack that brings you joy.


this message may be offensive
@enpsych always put yourself first. Nothing else matters if you aren't okay. We all have been in that hole that sucks you down, and understand. Please be kind and understanding towards yourself. If you can't see a way or why for that, I try to think of if I was someone else would I be okay with them saying or thinking those things. That usually helps me realize the shit I'm thinking is all bullshit. I hope you have a way to vent and safe people to talk to. 
            Please take care!!!