Here I welcome you to the valley of cheap thrills , favored distance, the difference between you and I, and the blindness towards what surrounds us. We are presented with things that assist our personal and coming-to-be expected motives and natural preference. We are presented instant, also distant communication (the internet, technology in general, modifications to our personal desire) We are given a standard that is held in the hands of those whose influence may be easy to have effect but the reason behind is not always great. There is so much new that is presented and we get caught up in the dates, popularity, etcetera. For example the way women are supposed to be portrayed: makeup, exposure of skin, their attitudes, the heavy use of social media, and the need to expose yourself to everybody; to be intertwined with fictional status and opinion for the relief that you are existent. I believe that you must be in with the new to be accepted, I feel like women must put on a facade to be pretty, I feel that people in who fall in love over the lens of a camera wish they had never seen it. I feel like we glorify anything just to have something to glorify. I feel like my life does not go beyond that if a screen and I should change that.. well that's MY decision. I hand over my devotion, love, and attention to what everybody else will. I love myself, but I love you more. 

~ I know that made no sense whatsoever.. I kind of just went on a ramble, sorry.
  • Umm no ew perv.
  • JoinedNovember 27, 2013

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ermer162 ermer162 Dec 10, 2018 03:10AM
Y’all I worked 46 hours last week. I have work again from 8:45 to 6 tomorrow, two finals and a 200 point assignment due on Tuesday, and a final that could determine whether or not I flunk out of that...
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