


          He saw her, he came to know her, he loved her.
          But she never crossed the first step to fall in love with him. She looked at him but never saw him. Not really. he was just the eldest son of the family which had been her second home in a foreign land, nothing more.
          But he wanted to be a lot more, the most.
          So, like a sculptor he began to shape her future, one that would include him, revolve around him. But a sculptor owns their art and he never owned her, specially someone whose passion was their first priority and marriage not even their last.
          Even if he can shape it, would it really be a victory because the voices in her head, the shadow looming over her soul and the darkness altogether may not let her live if not in her way.
          And what would her best friend do when he would see the pieces he had help her put together and bind carefully, fall apart?
          Who had been with her through every up and down ,had helped her cross it. Standing by her, helping her walk through it was the goal but it might come at the cost of self destruction for her preservation.
          This is the description of my story Fading Away.Please check it out if you can.❤