Hey it's sock, blue and mango here! We're just a bunch of students that love fandoms ;)

Follow our Instagrams if you like crippling depression:
SOCK: @greyishwatson
BLUE: @in.the.deep.blue
MANGO: @vikturi.on.icee
  • London
  • انضمJune 13, 2016

الرسالة الأخيرة
erwinsbooty erwinsbooty Oct 03, 2017 01:36PM
Back and ready for more updates, get ready for,,,,,, ViCTURI a
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم We're trash™
A Study of Soulmates ⦃ A Johnlock Novel ⦄ بقلم erwinsbooty
A Study of Soulmates ⦃ A Johnlock...
☁ A soulmate AU ☁ ════════════════ They started a month ago. John had absolutely no idea from where they had...
+8 أكثر
Broken Ice | VICTURI بقلم erwinsbooty
Broken Ice | VICTURI
The calm after the applause. The audience, silent. The arena, silent. Just you and the ice. Just you and your...
+2 أكثر
4 قوائم قراءة