
I changed my username! 
          	Therefore, I’ll be making some adjustments to my story since I used my old username in photos. Sorry for it ‍♀️


Please update your story T-T


@WuddaKwissy-w- it's ok 
            I updated a short chapter 10!


@esthery810 aww sowwy, take ur time ^^


@WuddaKwissy-3- I'm sorry, I have been really really busy these few months. I did not have time to edit. I'm sorry. I'll update ASAP.


I’m sorry for 3 months inactiveness due to many personal reasons. I’m back with weekly updates.
          I’ll try to post three chapters this week! 
          Btw, new chapter just posted. 
          Thanks for all the reads and votes 
          Love everyone of you~ 


Hey guys, I had paused writing and updating "Until I Met Him". And I'm very sorry for not keeping my promise to update it weekly. However, I'm having exams in two weeks, and that exam is vital for my future. So I'm focusing on my study. Secondly, my mental health is not healthy, and I don't want to affect you guys. Therefore, I'll try my best to update asap. 
          Thanks for accepting me. 


I'm sorry for not updating "Until I Met Him" on Monday (scheduled time. 
          I realized that I had to edit and change something. Because I want the story to be logical and I realized that my pass addition isn't logical enough. So I have to rewrite my whole book. But the chapters I updated (until Chapter 6) won't change. My book will be updated on Friday instead. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Pls understand that I'm trying my best to write the best~ Love you guys~


@NotKrissy I'm sorry that I didn't keep my weekly update promise. I was trying as hard as I can to edit the whole story and also work on the Christmas giving project. lol


Take your time :)


Can I just say that "Until I Met Him" will be out in 3 days? 
          It's amazing how time can pass by really fast. I always wonder if I could finish the book on time before the publish. But I did it. And thank you for reading no matter if you read it on the day I publish or a year later. Thank you for showing love and support!