Beyond his professional realm, Estiak Ahmed has varied interests and deep-rooted values. His love for sports, especially cricket and football, reflects his dynamic and engaging personality. A talented guitarist and singer, he also channels his creative energies through music. His interest in gardening illustrates his nurturing side and a connection to nature, paralleling the growth and development he fosters in his professional life.

At the heart of his life are his faith and family. Residing in Cantonment, Dhaka, Bangladesh, with his parents, he values his family's stability and support. Unmarried and focused on his career, he is dedicated to making meaningful contributions to his field and society. His long-term goal is not just professional advancement but also to significantly contribute to the socioeconomic development of his nation.

Estiak's journey transcends his professional achievements, as he is deeply committed to the betterment of society. His dedication to continuous learning and staying current with digital trends positions him as a thought leader in ORM. His approach to life is characterized by leadership, quality, and a drive to effect positive change.

He extends his contributions beyond the professional sphere, actively participating in community service and social initiatives. This engagement demonstrates his belief in the power of giving back to the community and his vision for a better, more inclusive society. His involvement in these activities reflects his vision and commitment to leveraging technology and digital media for societal benefits.

Estiak is not just an accomplished software engineer and ORM specialist; he is a multifaceted individual with a passion for innovation, creativity, and social responsibility. His journey intertwines professional success with personal growth and societal contribution, marking him as a valuable asset to any organization.
  • Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • JoinedMarch 29, 2022