
i just reread the jetski scene and honestly, i was bold af for pressing publish on that


The jet-ski scene in Heal Me??  


i just reread the jetski scene and honestly, i was bold af for pressing publish on that


The jet-ski scene in Heal Me??  


hi guys, so i haven't published anything for a while. but i am writing fix me rn and i'm 35k words into it so yay. but i keep finding a need to go back to the drawing board and change things instead of just creating a first draft. so...... here i am back again and i've decided i'm going to start posting fix me on here!!!
          this is honestly just a first draft and i hope you enjoy it nevertheless and join me in this epic ride <3


@euphoricdrrreamer MY FAV WRITER IS BACKKKKK


@euphoricdrrreamer yayyy I can’t wait to tune in


omg I feel all nostalgic back here, I loved Heal Me, I read it in June and I actually went through everything. The way I sobbed at the end because the bonus scene wasn’t there yet? I was gobsmacked, I love your writing and cannot wait for your other works !!


@hibbsluvs   omg thank you so much!!!! so glad you enjoyed it :)


Heyyy I’m trying to look for a book I read ages ago but I can’t find it anywhere. I can’t really remember any names but it was about a little girl like a year old or smth who was kidnapped and then brought back to her family or smth like that and one of her older brothers was autistic and he couldn’t touch her bc of his autism and being like a no germs person. But like slowly in the story he starts to get comfortable with her and hold her with gloves on and their relationship is sooo cute and I wanna re read it soooo if anyone knows what I’m on abt then pls help xxxxx


maybe try searching the tags? like romance, kidnap, even gloves? 


wait this is so cute, i don’t mean to bring your hopes up but if someone else comments what it is id love to read it 


Heal me had been in my library for so long and I reallly don’t know why I never got to reading it. I randomly started it Saturday and just now finished it. And just wow. I can’t believe writers like you exist. I laughed, I cried, I dreaded finishing it. So so amazing and I can’t wait to read your other works <3


@Love4lit omg i just saw this now, thank you so much for reading it! i love you ❤