
i am writing this knowing that probably no one will see it. 
          	i miss you so much. i know it was my fault you left, but i just couldn’t be with you. i like you so much it’s killing me. and it hurts more thinking we don’t have a chance anymore and that i hurt you. you probably already moved on, but i find myself helpless. i just want us to talk again like we used to. i want to hear your voice again. i want you to tease me and laugh at me while i try to play your games. i want to hug you and be next to you. i miss you so much. 


a small update in case anyone was interested: i’ve come to realise that i only loved the old version of him. the one i met the first time and ended up falling for. i’m not sure if he changed or he just showed his true colors but he’s not the same person i loved. i’m starting to lose all my feelings and turning my emotions off. there’s just too much pain. 


i am writing this knowing that probably no one will see it. 
          i miss you so much. i know it was my fault you left, but i just couldn’t be with you. i like you so much it’s killing me. and it hurts more thinking we don’t have a chance anymore and that i hurt you. you probably already moved on, but i find myself helpless. i just want us to talk again like we used to. i want to hear your voice again. i want you to tease me and laugh at me while i try to play your games. i want to hug you and be next to you. i miss you so much. 


a small update in case anyone was interested: i’ve come to realise that i only loved the old version of him. the one i met the first time and ended up falling for. i’m not sure if he changed or he just showed his true colors but he’s not the same person i loved. i’m starting to lose all my feelings and turning my emotions off. there’s just too much pain. 


Îmi cer iertare dacă deranjez, însă aş dori să îți sugerez participarea la un proiect susținut de către mine. 
          La momentul actual scriu o carte care implică exprimarea părerilor oamenilor de pretutindeni, în ea vor fi scrise opinii, sentimente proprii legate de situatii specifice, comentarii analitice, sau prezentarea subiectelor  diverse, precum sărăcia, încălzirea globală, egalitatea, trecutul, și orice mai doresc  persoanele respective să abordeze.
          Dacă dorești să participi aş fi încântată, te voi anunța că vei rămâne sub anonimat pentru a păstra ideea originală a cărții