
//; idk i just find hal in a suit vv attractive 


it had been too long. WAY too long and johnathan was almost dumbfounded that it had been as long— six years, to be exact. and gosh, had colin grown up. it hurt a bit, seeing one of his childhood nest friends all adulted and oh wait...was he taller than him now? and yeah...it had definitely been too long.  ❝colin—❞ the kryptonian's voice cracks nervously as the same type of grin displaced his lips. ❝you're uh...you're like. big. like HUGE.❞ he meant that part, despite being the man of steel—jon had this muscular lankiness to him and colin was just...well, colin was built like a freakin line backer. and hopefully damian wasn't into line backer because NOPE. he remembers how close colin and damian were. and he loves colin. but he /loves/ damian and the bat king still hadn't said it back. and maybe that was because he loved colin instead. oooo, scandalous.  ❝you been eating cows or something?❞


((Hi, your bio Looks a lot like someone else's that I just found


Oh come on! I'm trustworthy
            -note the unexplainable none sarcasm in he two exclaimed sentences-


@Lillian_Ace_Quinn //; haha i believe you! -note the sarcasm- 


Lol, I would've never came up with that! -note the sarcasm-