
Hey guys,
          	I really am sorry that I keep on disappearing on ya'll. I'm shocked ya'll haven't all given up on me yet given how long I've been totally inactive. 
          	First semester of college has not been so forgiving, and I'm having a lot of trouble finding time to really do anything at all. Productivity has been at an all time low for me for a lot of reasons, but I'm really going to try and get more work done once I've finished up my exams and started Christmas Break. Hopefully I can keep my promise to finish Worlds Apart before the end of the year, I'm sorry it's not been sooner. 
          	Hope y'all have had a good year and I wish you all a Merry Christmas!


@evo454  Merry Christmas!


Hey Evo. 
          I’m one of the many fans of Worlds Apart and we haven’t heard any word from you in years. Even if you’re done writing I’m just wanting to check and see if you’re doing alright. 
          If you’re done writing it’s understandable, but I hope you’re doing okay and that life is going good. Take care. 


Hey guys,
          I really am sorry that I keep on disappearing on ya'll. I'm shocked ya'll haven't all given up on me yet given how long I've been totally inactive. 
          First semester of college has not been so forgiving, and I'm having a lot of trouble finding time to really do anything at all. Productivity has been at an all time low for me for a lot of reasons, but I'm really going to try and get more work done once I've finished up my exams and started Christmas Break. Hopefully I can keep my promise to finish Worlds Apart before the end of the year, I'm sorry it's not been sooner. 
          Hope y'all have had a good year and I wish you all a Merry Christmas!


@evo454  Merry Christmas!