
Guys, I updated Paper bits and Phone calls! Check it out! xx 


Idek what I'm doing with my life. Anyone else feeling the same way? xD 


Also, having a very bad day!


thank u for your vote sis!


@PrathikSHA_14 that i will!! *_* he's so cute❤


@PrathikSHA_14  really! you like my fanfic?! glad to here it from u. HIFI continue to luv Hardie!


@PrathikSHA_14 no problem. I really like your fanfic. I'm a huge hardik fan too! 


“i can't live without him” is kind of a shitty phrase. You can live without him. You need oxygen and food to live, not another human being. We're not witches or cannibals. Its just the heart playing tricks. So wipe your tears, pick up your crown and wear that pretty smile cuz all you need in life is yourself. These are just my weird thoughts, not directed towards anyone in particular. (Almost everyone around me is in a relationship, and its so funny. They're into all that “we're gunna last forever” and “we'll get married when we growup” thing right now. Most of them, are leaving school/country next year and they still think they'll last forever. Like, really? With that heart of a monkey, long distance relationships are quiet impossible. Highschool is quiet funny *smirk*)


@Rashika_ ikr! People think its a necessity to be in a relationship nowadays. Its funny, really! Most of the time they're not even serious about it. Its just about physical fun nowadays. It disgusts me, cuz they don't genuinely care for each other. 


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@lemonycrisps  I agree with you. It is just everyone saying that, 'I can't live without him' is just a bullshit. Then how do they survived all these years? Like before meeting him. When you trust someother person more than you, that's when problem arises. And again relationships are funny these days. Some are using it for fun. 


So, Anna I just read a few stories from your blog. And 'The Dark Room', was one if the perfect short stories I have ever read. I mean, that is what hope means, doesn't it. And hope makes you paint the walls. Really, that one was truly an awesome one! And if ever anyone wants a happy happy feeling or when you're feeling low, read it! Coz that story makes you realise that you are the one who can change everything. And the light is always there, you just have to find it by making your way through the darkness! It was lovely reading it, Anna ❤❤


@Magenta03 Thankyou so much! It means a lot me. A lot more than you think. ❤❤