
Hi everyone, I hope you're well? I’ve just posted a new chapter/scenario on my Peaky Blinders book Victoria Shelby. I'm so so sorry I've neglected it. I actually wrote this months ago and just never posted it so it might not be perfect but I really like it. There is another part which I may continue to work on. 
          	Truth is I've been really struggling recently and so I feel like I'm posting this chapter in the hope to cheer someone up and take their mind off things, even just for a second. Please reach out if you need help, you can even talk to me.  And as always, thanks for all the support. 
          	Lots of love xxx


Hi everyone, I hope you're well? I’ve just posted a new chapter/scenario on my Peaky Blinders book Victoria Shelby. I'm so so sorry I've neglected it. I actually wrote this months ago and just never posted it so it might not be perfect but I really like it. There is another part which I may continue to work on. 
          Truth is I've been really struggling recently and so I feel like I'm posting this chapter in the hope to cheer someone up and take their mind off things, even just for a second. Please reach out if you need help, you can even talk to me.  And as always, thanks for all the support. 
          Lots of love xxx


Thank you so much for 30k reads on my Peaky Blinders book Victoria Shelby. I know I haven’t updated in a while but I have had drafts half finished for ages. I’m unsure whether to publish them anyway or wait until I’m totally happy with them. I’ve been really busy with school and life and so I haven’t had time to think about Victoria let alone the book. I will have a read over my drafts this week and see what I can do. Hope you’re all well, stay safe ❤️


Hi everyone! How are you? My Peaky Blinders book Victoria Shelby has just hit 20k reads and I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that’s read it. I never expected this. I am going to try and update it soon, life has just been so crazy. I’ve been self isolating for 2 weeks now after school was closed. My exams have also been cancelled which I have been really upset about, but I am happy to have my health. I really hope you’re well. Thanks again 


Just updated Victoria Shelby. Remember that the chapters are just scenarios that don’t take place in any specific order. The first 3 were different but I’m not writing the rest like that because I wasn’t really feeling it. If you are ever confused and have any questions or ideas please message me, I always reply! And thank you for over 5k reads xo