
So I just deleted a whole bunch of my books. I don't regret it, because I had no interest in half the books I was writing. The one's I have completed are gonna stay and I just want to focus on the ones I have now and work on those instead of 18 at one time. I'm writing a new book and the first chapter will come out soon and I'm writing chapter 4 for Ghost In The Wind, please check that out. 


So I just deleted a whole bunch of my books. I don't regret it, because I had no interest in half the books I was writing. The one's I have completed are gonna stay and I just want to focus on the ones I have now and work on those instead of 18 at one time. I'm writing a new book and the first chapter will come out soon and I'm writing chapter 4 for Ghost In The Wind, please check that out. 


your bio is literally me xD


@Manga4life22  but that's awesome tho!!


@fantasylight22 xD yeah lol that would be confusing to get out of no where


@Manga4life22 OH lol, my bad I thought you said boi and I was confused, I was like what? 