
I'm wondering if I should start a story on The Walking Dead with the set theme in mind with daryl dixon as the love interest. Let me know if I should do it or not


I see that a lot of people told you to take the book down. Personally, i was looking forward to read the next chapters. Maybe you did get inspired but it was still your work. So don’t give up


@_bookfever and it's was only really taken down because we made a "big scene "


@_bookfever I tried to be nice and was ignored. It's not a mistake to ignore multiple messages and requests to not take someone else's work. It's not a mistake to claim them as their own. It's funny how I'm not allowed to be hurt over someone stealing from me. But okay. I didn't do anything to do you. So sorry you weren't able to read people's stolen works. But maybe have some compassion for the writers who put their hearts into their fics. Ask any writer if they would be okay with people stealing from them and you'll get the same response


@starlights98 and @honeysucklesteve
            Honestly, i respect your opinion but we are all people and make mistakes. She took the book down so no need to make such a big scene. I know you are just trying to defend your rights and what is yours but do it in a kind way. Otherwise, you might give poeple the wrong impression.


Please just take the book down, people already know you've taken them from other's. It's really disheartening when people find their work stolen and claimed by someone else. Just do the right thing here and delete the book.


@barneswidows will do I'll delete the whole thing and start again with my stories and mine only I promise and I'm sorry of any of these stories are yours 