Arjun Karmarkar (prabhas )is a charming and ambitious young man who works as an assistant to the prestigious businessman, Arvind Sharma. Despite being capable of doing hard work, Arjun is a cunning manipulative person who is driven by his desire for wealth and power. He is always on the lookout for shortcuts to achieve his goals, even if it means taking advantage of others.
When Arjun learns that Kavya (Anushka Shetty), his boss's daughter, has a crush on him, he sees an opportunity to further his own agenda. Arjun's cunning and deceptive nature make him devise a plan to woo innocent Kavya and use her affections to his advantage, hoping that it will bring him closer to the success and prosperity he craves. he navigates his way through the world of business and personal relationships with his own selfish desires